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The Weekly Freesource

Here are the 15 best investing and trading resources we found this week. Just click the links and enjoy!

  1. 2Q 2019 Chartbook: The Fed Pivot by Jeff Dicks and Jonathan Fulcher.

  2. Are There Still Winners In A Maturing Real Estate Cycle? by John Brady and Bill Loskota.

  3. Would Demutualising Germany’s Sparkassen (Savings Bank) Kick-Start Consumption Growth And Give The Eurozone A Boost? by Jim Leaviss.

  4. Warning: Federal Reserve Easing Ahead by John P. Hussman, Ph.D.

  5. Putin Doesn’t Care About Economic Growth by Vladislav Inozemtsev.

  6. Leveraged Investors Could Be Signaling A Bear Market Is Now Underway by Jesse Felder.

  7. Descending Triangle Trading Strategy Guide by Rayner Teo.

  8. How Facebook Inc And Other Hedge Fund Favorites Performed In Q2 by Insider Monkey.

  9. Insider Weekends: Trio Of AbbVie Insiders Buy Shares by Asif Suria.

  10. Infrastructure Spending. Careful With The Construction Mirage by Daniel Lacalle.

  11. Gold’s Dollar-Price Breakout Started With A Yuan-Priced Breakout by Tom McClellan.

  12. Dallas Data Deluge by MI2.

  13. Inflation Undershoots, Inflation Expectations Sketch Out Growing Downside by Jeffrey P. Snider.

  14. Trade War Tensions Ease After G20, What’s Next? by Greg McKenna.

  15. A Global Affair: Full Week Ahead Preview by TheRealHeisenberg.