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The Weekly Freesource

Here are the 15 best investing and trading resources we found this week. Just click the links and enjoy!

  1. Wisdom From Carl The Janitor by Kevin Muir.

  2. Bond CEF A-D Line Showing Big Strength by Tom McClellan.

  3. Recession Signs Everywhere by John Mauldin.

  4. Central Bankers - Keeping The Wheels On The Bus by TIm Taschler, CMT.

  5. China (Partly) Answers For Why Markets Are Forecasting Even More Powell Rate Cuts by Jeffrey P. Snider.

  6. Corporate Spinoff Monthly Roundup - March 2019 by Spin Doctor.

  7. Housing Push-Pull by MI2.

  8. Was the Stock Market Boom Predictable? by Robert J. Shiller.

  9. Economic Data Weakens, Market Soar. Are We Repeating 2008? by Daniel Lacalle.

  10. A Historical Look At Yield Curve Inversions And Equities by Ian McMillan.

  11. What If Zero Interest Rates Are The New Normal? by Adair Turner.

  12. Borderline: Full Week Ahead Preview by TheRealHeisenberg.

  13. Stocks End A Stonking Quarter On A High, The Data This Week Is Going To Be Huge by Greg McKenna.

  14. The Bond Bull Market by Lance Roberts.

  15. Trading Oil And Platinum At Extremes featuring Rick Bensignor by Real Vision.