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The Weekly Freesource

Here are the 15 best investing and trading resources we found this week. Just click the links and enjoy!

  1. Freaking Out Over Inverted Yield Curve by Dr. Ed Yardeni.

  2. Despite Brexit, Sterling Credit Holds Up With A Surprise Front Runner by Oliver Carter.

  3. ‘The Frogs Were Boiled’, So What’s Next? by TheRealHeisenberg.

  4. The Real End of The Bond Market by Jeffrey P. Snider.

  5. What to Make of The Yield Curve by Patrick Dunuwila.

  6. Bond Rally and Data Flow Spook Traders and Investors by Greg McKenna.

  7. The S&P 500: Things Don’t Look Quite Right featuring Michael Gayed by Real Vision.

  8. The Keys of Predictability: A Comprehensive Study by Giovanni Barone-Adesi, Antonietta Mira, and Matteo M. Pisati.

  9. Stick The Landing by Eric Cinnamond.

  10. A Rare Divergence: Economic Date Vs. Financial Markets - Where Do We Go Next? by Jeff Dicks.

  11. How Lumber Lost Its Mojo as Economic Indicator by Tom McClellan.

  12. A Tale of Two Inflations by MI2.

  13. No Free Lunch, Part 2 by John Mauldin.

  14. Understanding the Fed’s Dovish Turn by Nouriel Roubini.

  15. Macro and Credit - Inflationism by Martin T.